Assassin’s Creed in Middle Earth

So this came out the other day, game play of the Shadow of Mordor game:

If you’ve played AC2, there were some definite “Huh, that looks way familiar” moments.  And you’d not be alone.  Randall does go on to tweet that he wasn’t accusing anyone of theft, would like to know if the code got licensed out and that the game looks awesome.

I can’t agree with the later. 😛  After seeing that trailer, my thought was that it looks like it could be a really fun game… if they entirely scraped the Middle Earth setting and storyline.  Instead come up with an original story.  Right now it looks like a blatant cash grab using the popularity of Tolkien’s work (which really, really bothers me as it’s so against the spirit of Tolkien’s work).  It seems there’s excitement out there from “regular” gamers, but any who also tend to love LotR haven’t had many positive comments nor plan to play it.


Categories: AC2, fail, meh, Other Games | Leave a comment

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